mercoledì 24 novembre 2010

The Methods to learn Italian better: the genders

Well, first of all learning Italian is not easy as all the languages but for sure it is easy to approach in the right way. What is the right way?
Well, first of all you need to pay GREAT ATTENTION to genders and nouns. These are the things that make spoken Italian easier. It is easy to learn a verb by heart but genders have to do with the flexibility tbat the student can achieve with this romance language.

venerdì 24 settembre 2010

Bad weather is coming

The season is coming to end. Winter is approaching. I hope this year winter is going to be less cold!!!

lunedì 30 agosto 2010


For those working on the interent, Google provides such a bad service. They just say lots of stupid things.
I hate those dominant marketing guys.

martedì 24 agosto 2010


This is story. Google sucks with its Places. They have basically destroyed my business, which is basically an on line business and for this reason, it get a lot of income from Internet. I worked hard to be on the most important seach engine of  the world and i worked hard to be put on google places, but then everything changed, they rejected my for not following the quality guidelines and then eventually they left thousand of listings, cheating listins and not meeting the quality guidelines there, getting contacts and with two listings at the same time. Ready to outdo schools that were trying to honest and work honestly. That is not fair. Google should be sued for that.

lunedì 12 luglio 2010

What an Italian language school should give?

I have been working in the language sector for many years by now and i have always wondered if it is possible to learn Italian with dedication in Florence, especially in the Summetime.
Well, it is definetely possible even though the circumstances are really difficult. There are many things to see and especially at night many events to attend to: parties, aperitives and concerts.  And, of course, to enjoy especially of the night life of Florence using alcohol (not a very good idea :-), especially when you pay for an Italian language course).
Recently, i have experienced a week in Florence among students and i must say that it does not help, at all, to drink beer and wine all the nights. Students wear them out and eventually they do not learn any Italian.
That s my idea  i will write a more focused opionion tomorrow, CIAOOO

martedì 8 giugno 2010

Warm in Florence

We are always happy when there is a beautiful time in Florence. Most of all, when there is good weather, sunshine. It s also sunshine in us. There are many things to do in Florence when there is good weather: climbing up on top of Piazzale Michelangelo, go to all the gardens that are for free all around and most of all, there are so many nice shops to browse.

giovedì 13 maggio 2010

And the new florence?!

And the new florence? E la nuova Firenze dov'è andata a finire. L'aspetto educativo va sempre di più scemando.

lunedì 10 maggio 2010

Partita della fiorentina e scuola

Oggi sono andato a vedere la partita della fiorentina, sono andato con degli amici ed è stata noiosa.
Così noiosa che non vedevo l'ora di tornare a casa a studiare il corso d'italiano della scuola.

mercoledì 21 aprile 2010

Cosa fai quando sei triste?

Io personalmente faccio una passeggiata in campagna, mi leggo un libro e ascolto le canzoni che mi fanno affondare sempre di più. E poi dopo, scopro una sorta di soluzione al mio dolore. Funziona sempre così e mi piace pensare che ognuno usa un metodo per allontanare la solitudine e la tristezza. Oggi poi sono più triste del solito e questo mi fa un pò sentire isolato e depresso.
Mi leggerò un libro e penserò a cosa devo insegnare domani.

martedì 20 aprile 2010

Look at the language school

This is the site of the Italian language school Parola of Florence. What do you think about it?

lunedì 19 aprile 2010

How to learn Italian

Italian language courses are difficult sometimes, but the best way is to learn the vocabulary and especially the genders. Genders are so important for Italian and all romance languages.
Just to give you an example:

Io lavoro nella bella casa isolata

Genders is all in this sentence, so my idea learn the genders and you will be happy.

sabato 17 aprile 2010

Hopefully to Arezzo

Tomorrow we are going to Arezzo to visit the city. I did not like it in the first place, but probably it is going to be better in the future.
Domani andiamo ad Arezzo, all'inizio non mi è piaciuta. Speriamo che questa volta sia un'esperienza migliore.

giovedì 15 aprile 2010

School Parola business

A critical eye about Florence. Give your opinions!!!

Florence shoud have less tourists. And what kind of tourists: students who could not care less about art and culture.

martedì 13 aprile 2010

Italian language school in Florence

It is unbelievable how many students are in Florence, especially foreing students studying art or Italian. In particular, Italian language has a lot interest around because of the heritage of Florence.
I like thinking that all students are keen on studying seriously but it is not like that. Many, i would say, most of them are vacation and for this reasons they enjoy the amusement of Florence, rather than the education aspects provided by all the schools.